HDI Simple Escapes
Ripoff Fraudulent charges on my credit card


I found a charge for $96 on my Visa. The company listed was HDI Simple Escapes. I have never done business with this company. I called my credit card company to report the charge and discovered that the $96 was a monthly re-occuring charge. The fraud agent at the credit card company called HDI Simple Escapes and arranged a 3-way conversation. The rep from HDI asked me for my address and when I asked why and refused to give it to her, she hung up. My credit card has been canceled and reissued with a new number.

On some previous credit card bills, I noticed the initials, HDI, in front of The Company Store. I remember some vague mention of a $50 bond when I placed an order for a quilt back in early March. The agent who took my order had a very heavy Indian accent and I could not understand much of what he said. I am suspicious that the unauthorized charge is related to my order with The Company Store.

Green Valley, Arizona

Company: HDI Simple Escapes
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Harrisburg
Phone: 8772340787
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