Consumer Report


The bank called me and asked me if I knew this company. I had no idea as to what she was talking about. She said they took 50.35 out of my account. I have not been to any Website to give my information about my debit card. I am furious, and like another person, I had very little to live on until payday. I called and I got a greeting that said "please have your account number ready". What account number? I have nothing and don't know anything about this company. What a bunch of bull. I closed my card and am now going to turn this in as a fraud and hope to get my money back.

Company: PunitronHelp.com
Country: USA
City: Nicosia
Address: 77 Strovolou Ave., Center Office 204
Phone: 8008826119
Site: punitronhelp.com
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Consumer Report

Secret Cash Card
Fraud By Secret Cash Card and Non-Authorization of Debiting My Account Monarch Bay, California

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

CC Bill.com
Elaine - Representative This is a ripoff internet scam. While on phone i noticed another unauthorized transaction from my account while talking to this so called company. This Company is a scam. Don't give them your card

Reward Me More Live
Charged me for something, I have never heard of this company before

Consumer Report

EDP Reporting
Ripoff Valley View

Consumer Report