Consumer Report


A while back i was logged in to face book, when a pop up ad came up. Now i never take any notice normally but this came up under the heading of clinique looking for trial users of a skin care product. Having heard of clinique and knowing how good they are i filled in the details and debit card details. A few days later a card came through the door saying i had a package that couldnt be delivered due to customs charges needing to be paid. This was way in excess of what the product cost so i never bothered to collect it. Today 31st august i have found out that the company have charged me £45.43 not just for products but products that have never been received and that i dont want anyway. I do not work as i have health problems so anyone can imagine that i do not have this kind of money to spend on such items or to waste or lose.

Company: Hydroxatone
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Jersey City
ZIP: 07303
Address: P.O. Box 9300
Phone: 8006722259, 8886214043
Site: hydroxatone.com
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