Consumer Report


Im not eentirely sure as to what as happened regarding this unauthorized debit payment being taken without my consent or even my knowledge for that matter!!! I just became aware of this transaction being made without me even having any idea atall as to why all my child-benefit had been taken out my account when i tried to make my withdrawl on tuesay the 4th of august last weeek as i would do normally so when i requested a fulll bankstatement be sent out by my bank BARCLAYS it was then i could actualy see in black and white were n who had fraudulently stole as it may my child-benefit money which i greatly depend upon as i am a single=mum with 8 dependants and i have had to struggle to live on alot less income to support my 8 dependent children for no reason and the main point through no fault what so ever of my own. Im absolutly appauled at what this company have FRAUDULENTLY done to underhandidly to be blun STEAL my childrens finances for there own GAIN/GREED? I will not stop investigatting what ACTLOANS have put me and my children through even if i have to seek more of a legal path to get this company brought to some kind of justci, an apology in order to say the least and the main point they re-emburse the money they have FRAUDULENTLY STOLEN from me. Miss Hannah Clarey/Merseyside WA9 1RT

Country: USA
Address: 145-157 ST JOHN STREET
Phone: 08445676423
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