Az DES Child Support Enforcement
Az DES Child Support Embezzlement... DES Child support Embezzleing our Children's Support. It's a Serious Crime PHOENIX ARIZONA

Politics & Government

"Embezzlement" is still a serious crime. So, why are they getting away with this. It makes me so ill knowing there are bussiness's which are low enough to take from children. To be a business's that claims to be working for the children and steal from them their food off the table, just kills me. I live it every day. I too did owe the state for "all our past assistance" the sum of $2,232.00. I have a letter which proves this from the desk of the Attorney General. That was paid back to DES. Yet, for some sad and sick reason. They feel it's their right to keep on taking. My daughter and I were awarded 24,000.00 past support for 10yrs of no support. DES has taken over half of that in the last two years. It's very clear DES realized they had a father with plenty of cash and they have the ability to use it to get that cash. And they did just that. It is like they are just sitting back laughing at us while watching us struggle. ANd, we have for over 2 yrs now. Fighting to keep what is ours. We can't get answers. Every case worker or person I speak with gives us a different story or reason. Just to push us away. Well DES I am not going away. You have cost us our home, taken food from my children, clothes off their back and put this parent through all the stress I will take. I can prove so much more then they ever thought or knew. And, it's all ready for the court. See, I don't believe they realize I have saved original documents which prove over 7,000.00 was taken and 700.00 and so on... Well, I do. See I have learned if you do not want to have what is your taken from thiefs. It is smart to keep copies and update them often. I can prove that they have changed the. On line payment history. All to make things seem legal. Its not legal to tamper with these documents. And, bank statements which prove what and when these transaction's took place. This is not your right. DES needs to clean house and throw out the trash. So, who ever is part of this criminal action... I will see you in court. Laws are not made for you to break!
And, for all those who work at DES if your thinking if you don't say what your told to say. It may cost you your job. Think what it will cost you, if you do. This is unacceptable and our children deserve much better.

Company: Az DES Child Support Enforcement
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: PO Box 40408
Phone: 6022524045
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