Reunite lovers Kaia


This woman ripped me off for alot of money so I reported her on here, now to finish she wants $20,000.00 to finish... She said I ruined her reputation. Well that is what you get when you rip people off. She can hold her hand on her ass before I ever pay her this amount of money... She is nuts... She wanted me to correct her reputation then she would help me... Yeah only make her look good and I end up loosing money... Don't ever hire her, she is a liar, fraud, fake, and is no good... All she does is keep wanting more money to redo work... If she can't do it right the first time, then she shouldn't be in the business... I don't believe she can do any physchic work, she just says she does... I never saw any results from her... She only made threats to me... I wish I knew how to contact the IRS in Florida to report her as I know she doesn't claim money she rips people off from... So please don't hire her you will lose your money and won't get any results... Of course she blames me for all this. I paid my money to her, so can't figure out what her major problem is... She is nuts.

Company: Reunite lovers Kaia
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Hollywood
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Kaia reunites lovers
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