#1 Love Spells Reunites Lovers Permanently
Kaia Ripp off artist. Fraud. Scamme


I have tried all day to reason with this woman. No talking to her. She has taken over $9000 from me and keeps tellin me things will happen soon. Lies Lies Lies. No results. Last time she told me 3 days and it has been 4 wks. Now she is saying she is gonna make me suffer and she is going to make my story public. Other than saying she is gonna sue me and call the cops. So anyone wanting any help out there with their relationship, don't hire this woman. She will keep your money and tell you lies. She is a fraud, scammer, and a nut case. She keeps wanting more money so she can laugh at you. She should be put out of business for this. I trusted in her wholly and got used big time. She will only call you if she wants more money or she wants to bitch at you or blame you for something that didn't work for her, and she needs money to do the job again. So please don't hire her you won't get results or your money back. Then she will threaten to make you suffer.

Company: #1 Love Spells Reunites Lovers Permanently
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Hollywood
Phone: 13055050554
Site: lastinglovespells.com
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#1 Love Spells Reunites Lovers Permanently
Kaia I have tried to talk to Kaia to show me some kind of results and send my money back as promised, but she only threatens me with sueing me or calling the cops. What have I done other than pay her fo

#1 Love Spells Reunites Lovers Permanently
Kaia... Kara name changed

Reunite lovers Kaia

Kaia reunites lovers
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