Junk - TLAC-01912


I purchased a 19" HD LCD TV (TLAC-01912) from Target in Savannah on 6-9-11 and after 3 weeks, it suddenly one morning, would not turn on. I exchanged that TV for another one. The exact same one. I tool it home and it would not come on. It had power to it, but would not turn on. I then called Target and spoke with someone in customer service and they were nice enough to plug up the tv I returned to make sure I did not have a wire issue. I ws told that one would not turn on, but had power to it. I've always been happy with your product, but am very upset about this. Now Target is telling me I can only exchange it for the exact one, unless they are sold out, which they are not. Or I can pay more for another brand. I support myself and my mother. I can't afford to pay more. Pleas make sure this product is checked closer, so noone else has to go thru this.

Company: Polaroid
Country: USA
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Polaroid Company
Sold a very bad product

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