Sparekasse Middlefart
Illegal charges


As I am living in Saudi Arabia, it is impossible for me to sue the bank from here.
On the 6th of July I transferred the amount of 500 to the Sparekasse Middlefart in Denmark to be advanced to a company in the same town. The company only received 466.59, as the bank freely helped themselves.

I have done many transfers before, even another one at the very same day, and the amount was always received in full. It is the nature of those transfers, that the full amount is received as otherwise the goods will not be released by the receiving company. When I queried the missing amount, the bank stated that the money institute here in Saudi where to blame.

I had already paid here the cost for the transfer (fixed fee plus higher exchange rate) and as mentioned before, never had problems with any other transfer. I addressed the bank directly, but they are too scared to communicate directly with me.

Company: Sparekasse Middlefart
Country: USA
State: Hawaii
City: Middlefart
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