A So Called President Johanthan GoodLuck
Consumer Report


Ecieved email-you have money here-but you are to pay nothing at all-never pay anyone who want money from you - it is a scam! -oh-wait we have these 5 documentou need to pay $3000.00. Oh - wait now you have to pay our irs $8500. For keeping your funds -that we never told you about. Oh0now er need $400 for an atm card - and another $500 for the pin to use it. Oh - it dont work - now we need $8500 to reload it or another $4000 to pay our irs to release your funds. Oh - we just found you need to pay another $10,000.00
for final release documents—what? You are out of money? You will borry or steal the money and send it to us —now! What—still dont have money? You will get it or else!!

Company: A So Called President Johanthan GoodLuck
Country: USA
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The so called president of nigeria-dr. Jonathan goodluck
Consumer Report

President GoodLuck Jonathan
Consumer Report

ACCOUNTNOW They won't release funds put on hold by QVC. QVC has sent 5 requests they claim they have yet to get one. Taylor, TX

Account Now
Consumer Report

Refuse to release funds when buyer has recieved the item

Right Choice Financial Services
Consumer Report

The Reserve Bank of India
Consumer Report

The Reserve Bank of India
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

American Express