Home play and Value plus
Consumer Report


I ordered a product from home depot, and according to my electronic bank statement, right after that a place called Home play and Value plus took out 24.95 each. The same phone # is on my bank statement for both places. I have no idea where or who they are. I do know that I cannot afford to have almost $50.00 taken out of my bank account when I am on a fixed income.
Melody, VA

Company: Home play and Value plus
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Minneapolis
ZIP: 55305
Address: 10900 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 700
Phone: 9522582100, 8004751942, 9522582000
Site: valueplusonline.com
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Mon Home Play Tom Cavalli@smn, Mon Essen for Tom Cavalli@smn
Consumer Report

Play.com (UK)
Consumer Report

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