Consumer Report


Rang my mother and said she had errors on her computer. Kept her on the phone for 1 hour 20 mins. Accessed her computer and sold her antivirus for 2 years for £160.

This is criminal and preying on the older generation who are not computer aware etc etc. I am disgusted and going to try and get the money back!

Company: Support4urpc
Country: USA
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Chrpay Com-meyrocorp Antivirus 2009
Computer hacking, falsely sold an antivirus software

My Money is gone and my computer has not been the same since downloading Antivirus08

Commeyrocorp I fell for their antivirus scam. I downloaded it and within a few days it disappeared off my computer. Now my computer is all messed up

ASI*winserv startup.
Consumer Report

Plimus Sales
Consumer Report

Internet AntivirusPro
Company sold antivirus software to me stating my computer was infected with trojan virus

Antivirus 2009
Antivirus Ripoff

XP Antivirus 2008
XP Antivirus intruded into my computer saying I had 400 some spyware&trojan and other viruses

Videocaver Pro
Consumer Report

Dennis Riddle
Antivirus 2009