Consumer Report


I requested Imformation on a Plymouth mantle clook Thomaston, Conn. The noumber on the bottom is 559 or559? I understand this is a code for when it was made. Are the letters on the warrenty paper the model noumbers? [Z 23 B]. Is there somePlace I could get the a copy of the warrenty paper that is stapled inside the back compartment? Mine is 1/2 half gone. It told me it would cost $15.00 I did not object but then it changed to $9.00. It tell me they are waiting for an expert to reply. I don, t know long it takes to find an expert. Just wondering. (Personal Information Removed) Thank you

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Site: justanswer.com
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Sent fake letters in mail claiming my car warrenty was about to expire

Lousy expert from India

Fraud, useless, scam, pathetic, farse

Don't even get a glimmer of an idea to use this web site for expert advice

Best Buy
Refused to Honor Warrenty on a Satellite Radio Installed by Best Buy

They will take your money regardless

Popular Ford
Extended warrenty scam

Mislead and sold a different warrenty

DataForce International
Fraud at Mazda Village

Justanswer.com, MsChase
What a moron... This person is NO EXPERT