Consumer Report


It all started about free $25.00 gift card from WalMart, and a $25.00 gas card for taking a survey for $1.95. Which I mistakeingly did on my debit card. More the fool am I. Then small amounts started to be debited from my account. Well I called and told them to cancel everything (gift cards included). I also told them I wanted my money back. The girl I spoke with said she was putting it in their complaint department. So I could get my money back. Well in the mean time more money was deducted. Now I'm overdrawn. Now I can't get in touch with them.

Company: Dal*idshield
Country: USA
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Central subscription service
WALMART 1000 dollar gift card i did a survey online to win a 1000 walmart gift card i had to buy magazines in order to receive the card, i return i get a select your gift 1000 shoping spree which a home based operation THIS IS A R coon rapids, MN

Wakanet. Work Told me I was awarded $100 gas Walmart gift card and many coupons

Galleria - AOL
Galleria AOL False advertising sales people lie bad customer service

Walmart Visa Gift/Debit Card

Consumer Report

Walmart Visa Gift Card
Positioned as a Gift Card, but forces you to open a pre-paid debit account

Gift Cards

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Not receiving gift card purchases and runaround from customer support

I Just Got A Call From A Woman Who Said Her Name Was Sylvia Davis Saying I Was Going To Get A $10.00 walmart gift card and a $100.00 visa gift card for completing a survey all i had to do was get on…
Consumer Report