Stephen LoConti
Steve loconti, sloco drug addicted deadbeat loser


Hard to decipher where to begin. After 6 years of knowing said such individual, I have finally got to see the REAL side of him. Below you will find a slew of things he has done, said, etc...

Decided to get drunk every night and never show up for work to the point where they had no other choice but to fire him, leaving ME with all the financial responsibilities (ie: rent, electric, cable, etc...) and instead of LOOKING for another job, decided to have his friends over to MY apartment and sit there and play video games. Never did he clean or anything while I was at work, just proceeded to make a bigger mess.

Apparently started using pain killers to ease his back pain and then became addicted. So any funds he DID have, instead of coming to ME to help alleviate the pain of all the bills, went to his fantastic addiction and it's not one where you sit there and go "poor guy, give him a break" because believe me when I say I gave him A LOT more chances than he deserved.

I had surgery and had asked him to watch "our" cat while I was laid up at my parents house. After 4 days I had my Aunt take me to the apartment to check on my cat only to find his litter box full, no dry food and barely a sliver of water, indicating that the B@$T@RD had never been there to actually take care of the cat... BIG SURPRISE THERE! So at that point I had called him (oh by the way, unless you're one of his CONSUMERS purchasing drugs from him, he doesn't answer the phone) and left him a voicemail that he can collect all his stuff from the lawn becuase it's going out the window. He finally came and gathered some of his stuff.

FOUND OUT he had been selling drugs and he proceeded to lie to me about it for months thinking he was smarter than me... in the end, I'm the one with a bright future, great boyfriend and excellent life ahead of me meanwhile he... Is at his lowest point. I even moved out of the apartment we at one point shared because it just harvested bad energy and I'm in the process of moving to California with my boyfriend and he actually broke in to steal light bulbs from an empty apartment... Pathetic.

OH... And I gave him money towards his attorney's fees and restitution when he had attacked someone I was seeing after we had broken up and the deadbeat still owes me money. All I can in the end is good riddence to bad rubbish and hopefully he finds his way off a cliff... I'm no longer turning the other cheek or being civil. As far as I'm concerned, this individual is dead to me and if you happen to encounter him... Turn and run because nothing good comes from knowing this man.

Company: Stephen LoConti
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Congers
Address: Beacon St
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Rent A Center
Broke into my apartment invaded my privacy harrassment swearing threating

Cambrian Apartments
They took most of my deposit without good reason

Robert Kulikowski
RLK Real Estate, Worst landlord in the history of the world

Division Place Apartments LLC
"Nector" If you want a clean, safe environment for you and your kids to live in, don't move here

Donald (Don) L. Plumadore III
This person is a thief, not to be trusted, owes several people lots of money. Dont fall for his deceitfulness. Ripoff Ohio Area

Apartments hunters!

Mr@mrs Jerone (paul) Zink
Beware of friendly tenants

Soft Touch Moving
Never use this moving company!

Destination Movers
Biggest scam of my life! But a great learning experience

Elinor Wyman
Do not rent an apartment from this woman. She is rude, makes personal attacks and very unreasonable