Consumer Report


I was looking in the internet to buy items in wholesale and get better price to sell them individually and start making money and thinking in doing a bussinness in the future. I logged in www.wallysell.com and saw that the prices for cell phones and tvs were the best ones thati would of got any were else. So they told me to send 300 us dlls by money gram or western union to zhenwei liang to beijing, china and that my product was gona arrive in 5 or 10 bussinness days and they started to invent that the product was in customs and they needed 150 more for the taxes because it was necessary so the product to be delivered to my address and with no more delays, and after that they just kept inventing that my items were gona take another week. And they kept saying the same untill later they didnt even respond back to me. Please do something about it so no more people would be scammed again.

Company: WallySell.com
Country: USA
Site: wallysell.com
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Zhenwei Liang wallysell took $552 for a product that I never received, China

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Fake company, never delivered the goods as promised

Consumer Report

Peng Cui China import scam cycbao.com

Classyrange.com Beijing Ruiqi Technology International Trade Limited
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Lot Dealing
Lotdealing.com advertises cell phones and electronics on craigslist and their website. Does not send product paid for. Beijing, China