Office of Budget in Washington
Consumer Report


I received a call from some gentleman from India or somewhere unsure of his name he stated that I was selected to receive a $10,000 dollar federal grant that I did not have to pay back. He said that I could use it for anything i.E. Start a business, pay bills, purcase a house, pay my mortgage, etc... He did not ask me for my social security number nor my DL#. He did say I could receive this money in a check or either in my bank account. He gave me this Grant Approval Code: P215G. Being a victim before I choose a check. He then stated I would need to call a lady by the name of Pamela Stevens at 202-821-4239. He said I would need to call right away; that many people would be trying to call, so don't delay calling her and if the number was busy keep trying to call back. I am a born sceptic but my husband kept asking me did you call? So, I dialed the number and just as I expected the voicemail could not take any more messages. Then my husband called and gets this Pamela Stevens lady who tells him the same thing old boy had just said. And that we would be getting this check by mail in three days. She told us what our address was... (that I did not like). Then gave me their address: 200 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20201. We are broke as smoke and games are a hard thing to handle right now. I don't know where the next dime is coming from. I wish they would call me back... Right about now! People my Grandmother always said if it sounds to good to be true then it is. Sometime ago I applied for a grant to open my business so this call was a god send; so I thought. We are not out of any money just frustrated that people have nothing else to do but scam other people.

Company: Office of Budget in Washington
Country: USA
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United Federal Banke
Consumer Report

Federal Grant Department
Consumer Report

US Federal Government Grants Department
Consumer Report

Federal Government Grants Department
Consumer Report

Federal Government Grants Department
Consumer Report

Federal grant call me regarding a grant for $7, 800. And told me sent $225.00 western union and also tax $786.00 and $850.00 for insurance a grant total of $2, 700.00 i did not get any money. Trying to call this number nobody pick up 20258083
Consumer Report

Federal Grant Department of Washington DC
Consumer Report

US Grant Department - Washington DC
Unavailable Possible Fraud/Scam

Consumer Report

US Grant Dept
$7,000 grant money I don't have to pay back