Platinum Online Group
Consumer Report


I really don't no just check my bank statement and it was on there and i didn't order anything. It was on my account as an overdrawn balanace it was 99 pluse a 70 overdraft fee charged i wnt online to my bank and told them that i wasn't aware of this transtation i don't even no how they got my information i try not to buy anything off the internet with my bank card because of things like this but i will be grateful if yall could return my funds i am a single parent with alot of bills and that 99 dollars they took was like they was taking from my baby's mouth now im behind on a bill cause of this.

Company: Platinum Online Group
Country: USA
State: California
City: Sherman Oaks
ZIP: 91403
Address: 15165 Ventura Boulevard Ste. 200
Phone: 8182559973
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Took money out of my account

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