Bank of America
Rip off

Business & Finance

Bank of America runs a scandalous business based on fraud, theft, and greed. Yesterday I checked my account being that payday is literally around the corner. Shock, awe, and surprise do not even begin to describe what I felt when I saw my account was overdrawn by $219.95. On April 30, my paycheck was directly deposited into my account. So far, it's all copacetic. On May 1, I make 2 purchases and a withdrawal. One of my purchases came with a $35 overdraft fee. On the same day I paid 3 bills online. Now I am aware of how this works. The payments don't always go through at the time you make them so I did what everyone does... Leave the money alone. On May 2, all my payments went through along with a $35 overdraft fee on each. How do I go from having $400 in the bank to being overdrawn by $219.95? The bills I paid only amounted to around $200. So let's do the math.

Yesterday after work I went into a Bank of America Branch. I spoke to someone who obviously did not know what she was talking about. I was told that it is Bank of America's new policy to charge overdraft fees on pending transactions. So even though at the ATM the receipt stated that I had funds available, B of A still hadn't processed my direct deposit. All of this makes no kind of sense to me. How come I was able to withdraw $40 from the ATM if there were no funds available? How was I able to get gas if there were no funds available? How was I able to get my morning coffee and bagel if there were no funds available? By the way, I was charged a $35 overdraft fee on a $3.54 purchase at Safeway.

I am a poor, single working mom trying to keep a roof over my family's head and food on the table. How do you explain to a seven year old you're sorry but those new shoes they need just aren't going to happen or that the fridge is empty because B of A took literally half my paycheck in overdraft fees? To say that I am angry, furious, livid, again, is an understatement. Bank of America took food out of my child's mouth and I am enraged. Today I am going back to the bank and speak to the Branch Manager and let them know that they stole my money and they will be putting it back into my account immediately and I will be using every outlet to let the public know what they have done. If I had done this to someone, I would be behind bars.

Company: Bank of America
Country: USA
State: California
City: Sacramento
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Bank of America
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Bank Of America
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Bank Of America
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