Contact Centers of america




The two links above are tru, I cannot disclose to much information as I am afraid of retaliation, I too am a victim of this comapnies deceptive ways and lies. I left an excellent paying job for promises of all the overtime I could handle better pay, bonuses, and a raise after thirty days, I was put in a position that was not the position I was hired for in the first place, I also witnessed these so called professionals treat and humiliate people like they were trash on the street, I witnessed the CEO cursing and slandering people infront of many other people, Comparing people to primates and slandering peoples education constantly, I was so afraid to say anything because I knew i would get thrown out just like the rest of the people that looked the wrong way or smoked, or didnt meet the persoanl criteria of the "HIGH HORSED ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF" The problem with this company is the lack of leadership and a very arrogant CEO, they are actually having a very hard time staying a float, im sure if anyone tries to sue them they would simply go bankrupt, I think this company should have to pay though, They lie to people constantly, Also another very important fact, I had to quit smoking as I was told after working there for over 30 days that smokers were not allowed to work there any longer, and if I were to smoke like the rest of the occupents employees in that building which smoke in the smoking area, but was not allowed for us "TELEMARKETING PEOPLE" and that we had to leave the premises if we wanted to smoke a cigerette, we would be fired for not abiding by cooperate policy, they also forced us to sign a form that we understand this new rule on smoking and we were basicly told if not we could look for another job, that alonf with many otherr forms they constantly came up with, and even after we were told we would get a copy of and requesting copies of never recieved, I dont even remember all of what I signed, I also went to the HR manager about a certain slander situation that was not followed up on, which is actually a very serious matter. If you ask me this company desvers everything it gets, they have no respect for people, and "IF THEY ARE BRINGING JOBS BACK TO AMERICA THEN THEY ALSO KNOW WHERE ELVIS IS HIDING" enough said, CONSUMERS BEWARE, JOB SEEKERS YOU WOULDD BE BETTER OFF WORKING AT MCDONALDS YOU WOULD GET MORE HOURS AND MOREE RESPECT.

Company: Contact Centers of america
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Clearwater
Address: 15550 Lightwave Dr#300
Phone: 7273240046
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Vertex One
Benefits ripoff cheated employees

Tax Centers Of America
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Verizon wireless
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Pizza Hut
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Travelier Motel
Do not use your credit card

Revita La Peau
Consumer Report

It is a racist company

Home America, Go Renter
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