Auction dinar bid iqd pennies fun way try go internet


Gobiddinar.com is a realy cute giant ripoff in auctions clothes. They call these auctions for which you must first buy a number of bids. The small amount cost $335 which will buy 25k in dianrs on most real auction sites. Bids go one cent incrments making each bid cost about 50 cts. 100's amybe 1000's of people think they are bidding. Ebay has a set auction ending time where gobiddinar keeps adding time for more 50cent bids get placed.
25k in dinar costs about n$35 on Ebay, but o n gobiddinar you can spend $35 to buy bids and get zip, nada, ziltch! With so many poeple thinking they are bidding 25k dinar note brings in 1000's of dollors for the site.
Now if goboddinar would just have a set aution ending time it would be fine, but to extend and extend and etxend and etxnd just to rake in all the poeples money. Then they runs on dinar sites saying so and si bought 25k in dinars $. 2.28 what a deal. The truth is he spent $37.28 and so did many many other poeple who go ripped off for their $35 they spent to buy those bogus bids.
This is a cutesy scam but it's soooo wrong to treat poeple tyring to make some money this way. It only takes any intelligent person to buy bid just one time and see this is opration and you instantlyknow what snow jobs you just got.

Company: Gobiddinar.com
Country: USA
Site: gobiddinar.com
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Live online penny auction auctions don't work like this! Buying bids, bidding, losing auction, bids not returned to bidde

Beezid is a rip off. They sell tons of bids, you win nothing

Beezid the auctions on this site are rigged. I spent over $250.00 buying "bids" in order to bid on auctions. I've been buying on auction sites for years, and i know i won at least four auctions. At the en

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BeeZid Rip Off - Paying for bids and you hardly ever win

Shooter Auctions
Ripoff Auctions NA

QuiBids Voucher Scam

Scam Ripoff

Ends auctions before time is up wasting consumers bids hidden costs cost me 62 dollars to buy out a 50 dollar card

Bargainoo, Ltd
Bargain00.com Penny Auction Website