Zibdirect Inc
Seller attempted to up charge 6% for insurance on Free shipping after order paid with recipt


Order had been placed online 2/27 and all discounts had been accounted for with $. 01 charged for Free shipping and not visible were any other charges except for 3% tax NJ residents as I am in Calif. Paid in full by credit card recipt was emailed to me, and received with no other cost anticipated nor seen on website. Perhaps fine fine print was hidden from obvious view. When request to confirm by phone was made 3/1, attempt to up sell extended warranty was made and declined. Factory sealed and USA warranty 1yr was all that was included. Brian, attempted afterward to add 6% insurance to order that would increase total by $63.97 that was never disclosed in print anywhere visible prior to sale clearly showing all costs, bold Free Shipping in box, and 3% additional discount for weekend sale and now extended for total net price of $1066.01. With added insurance, price would increase by $63.97 otherwise paid, if not they would not ship. I am happy to do business so long as all charges or all fees are disclosed in writing prior to decision to complete sale. All 3 gentlemen were not interested in good proper customer relations to honor what they sold me and therefore would not accept responsibility of pre-disclosure of all fees, just the up-sell of a product that might never arrive, or be a used product. Take it or leave it attitude!

My feeling being a veteran of online purchasing of thousands of dollars from reputable company websites, I have never had this experience having worked with any online company that used a tactic of a phone confirmation to protect against fraud, was used to increase cost and be told pay or the order is cancelled. Future buyers beware of this company, good prices, nice website, and deceptive with un-ethical business practices. It's their way to trick a buyer or take the hi-way. Add-on's that are not the bargin you think! This was an experience on poor ethics of sales practices. It's the principle of the way I was delt with.

Company: Zibdirect Inc
Country: USA
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World Class Plasma
Ripoff, added shipping insurance to total purchase when extended warranty was declined

The company will not ship the product until you buy the warranty or insurance

Charges an Excessive "Small Order Fee" on top of Exorbitant Shipping Costs, Hides Fees in Fine Print

Buyer beware! A total scam! Look them up in the bbb for ny before buying

Iphonesmobilestoreinc EMAIL: iphonesmobilestoreinc@gmail.com
Consumer Report

Do not order anything from this website, horselovez.com without purchasing shipping insurance and validate that you have it on your order confirmation!

CJ Banks
Deceptive Pricing

A Matter Of Fax.com
A total rip-off! Beware of shipping charges which you don't request

Fumfie, Fumfie.com
Misrepresents lowest total then tackles additional hidden costs

Zibdirect, Inc
Samsung TV