American recovery bureau
Andre Green Owes me 4 weeks of pay. Reported him to labor board already


I would like to start off by say I am a very hard worker at any job I do. I worked for American Recovery bureau for a few months and regret it now. I was always on time and never called in sick always gave it my 110% while I was there. Only to be treated like what I did didnt mean a thing. On January 27 at about 8:30 am my world came crumbling down all because of one selfish man Andre Green. American Recovery Bureau's door got kicked in and all the employee there were placed in hand cuff for a few hours while our personal property was searched, files got taken computers, phones, our personal cell phones. I have never in my life been treated the way I was treated that day. All for a man that at the end of it all refuses to pay me and the other employees for the 3 weeks of work we did. He still has a roof over his head and 3 nice cars he is driving while I am unable to pay my rent and car. I beleive in what goes around comes around. Laugh now but you will cry later. The pain you inflicted on me will be 10 times greater on you Dre.

All I asked for was the money owed to me nothing more.

Company: American recovery bureau
Country: USA
State: California
City: Port Hueneme
Address: 521 W Channel Island Blvd
Phone: 8056124842
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American Recovery Bureau
Andre Green I want my Wages Paid to ME NOW! Oxnard

American Recovery Bureau
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American Recovery Bureau
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Us Recovery Bureau
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Us Recovery Bureau
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Us Recovery Bureau
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