Phillip's And Associates
Lied to me withheld my options from me belittled me took my money


I filed bankruptcy in May with the help of Phillip's and Associates (bankruptcy discharged in July - initially hired them in November). During my initial consultation I indicated that I did not want to include my vehicle in my bankruptcy. I told them I wanted to keep my car and to have it help me rebuild my credit. Again, before signing my final paperwork for the courts, I asked if there was anything I need to do in regards to my auto loan to make sure I got to keep my car and get credit for my payments. I was told to simply continue making payments on time.

Now, six months after my bankruptcy has been discharged I am told that I am making "voluntary" payments on my car, and that in order to get credit on my credit for making the payments, I would have needed to sign a re-affirmation paper. My auto lender told me they sent a re-affirmation form to my attorney, Phillip's and Associates. Phillip's and Associates attorney Bob Bugler told me that their law firm does not allow their clients to re-affirm any of their debt in case "something happens", and I would default on my loan. This was never explained to me. I was told if I just needed to continue making my payments.

The only reason I found out about this is because I began to inquire about purchasing a home. I went to a mortgage broker. He was the one who informed me that my car payments were not being reported to the credit agencies. My credit scores are just shy of what I need them to be in order to purchase a home with one of his lenders. He informed me that if my payments on my vehicle were appearing that my credit score would be right where I need it to be to purchase a home.

I called Phillip's and Associates to see what could be done to help me. They said they couldn't do anything. Not only did they not want to help me, they laughed at me and belittled me. I asked them why they had lied to me, why wasn't I told about all of my options. Mr. Bugler informed me, at that point, that they do not allow any of their clients to re-affirm debt because it is not in their best interest. I told him that it was in my best interest, because I would have had the opportunity to immediately start repairing my credit.instead, here I am, six months later with no credit for the effort I have made to rebuild my credit.

Mr. Bugler made a joke, and told me he "wasn't going to co-sign for me to get a house". I know I have made mistakes with my credit. I know that I got myself in too deep, however I feel that I don't need to be ridiculed by someone who I paid to help me. I feel like I was deceived because they didn't want to take the extra step to do what I wanted. I didn't file bankruptcy because I didn't want to pay my bills. I filed bankruptcy because I was in over my head, and I needed a fresh start.

I wonder how many other clients of Phillip's and Associates feel the same way. I know that I can't be alone. I feel that other people need to be aware that Phillip's and Associates isn't honest, and that I was just a number to them... With dollar signs! My real needs and wants were ignored. I paid them to do a job, and they failed to help me in an area that was very important to me.

Company: Phillip's And Associates
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 3030 3rd. St
Phone: 6022588888
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