Millenium Marketing Group, Ltd
Millenium duds, evasive, unenthusiastic, unprofessional


We didn't have a good experience with Millenium Marketing. They put on a good show while trying to recruit us. They were so nice and accomodating and so interested in us and our product. That is until we paid our fee in full. From there it was a whole different story. We went months with no contact from them, and when we called them, there was no enthusiasm from them at all. It was more like "yeah, what do you want now?"

Their idea of marketing is to put together a "Media Packet" to send out to prospective companies that are interested in marketing the patented product. I was really surprised when we received our copy of the packet. A C student in high school could have done a better job. I had to go through the whole thing making corrections in wording, spelling, and grammar. When I called the person who had prepared the "Media Packet" we spent hours making all the corrections. She was probably thinking to herself, "This person really thinks someone's going to read this thing."

Millenium doesn't utilize New Product Conventions by renting a booth to demonstrate the product. They say they feel they can just visit with the people who go to these conventions and make contacts that way. Yeah, fat chance of that.

I could go on and on, but the bottom line is that they, in my opinion, did not earn the fee we paid them. They just wasted a year of our patent life and our money to accomplish absolutely nothing. When the year contract was up, they didn't even have the courtesy to call us on the phone to say, "Sorry but we weren't able to get any interested companies for your product." I believe they stay afloat as a company merely by collecting the fees.

You've probably heard this before, but it fits these people so well that it bears repeating—There's a special place in Hell for people who prey on the hopes and dreams of others. This is a fate they so richly deserve.

Company: Millenium Marketing Group, Ltd
Country: USA
State: Kansas
City: Overland Park
Address: 10550 Marty Street
Phone: 9133179114
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Millenium Marketing Group
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Millennium Marketing Group
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This company was hired to promote a patented product. I signed a contract that listed many duties they would perform, none were forfilled. I want my $14,250. Back! Brentwood

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