Pacific World Marketing
This company was hired to promote a patented product. I signed a contract that listed many duties they would perform, none were forfilled. I want my $14,250. Back! Brentwood

Shops, Products, Services

Pacific World Marketing was hired to promote my patented product by use of a professional marketing package. One for their web-site and one for contacting potentially interested companies. The marketing package was suppose to be done within 60 days and enhance the marketability of the invention. Their idea of a marketing package was to copy my web-site and was not done on time! They verbally, 99% guaranteed, world wide distribution of my product within three months. This never happened either!

I gave them a hot lead. They misrepresented my products cost, did not relay my concerns about product changes, did not negociate my company name, logo, or equipment as assets, did not keep me informed about important changes in the first order, relayed counter offers without my consent and counseled me to sign a license agreement that had an indemnification clause that would cost me up to a million dollars! I would have never made a dime on my invention, Pacific world Marketing and the licensor would have made all the money and I would be indemnifing the patent with money I don't have for the rest of my life!

I asked for my money back and the contract ended because of nonperformance and not having the professionalism to complete their obligations to me!

I am still trying to get my money back, been months now trying to work with the BBB in CA. I lost $14,250. And PWM thinks I owe them 20% royalities on the license agreement my attorney finished.

Company: Pacific World Marketing
Country: USA
State: California
City: Discovery Bay
Address: 50 Sand Creek Road Suite 236
Phone: 9256341140
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