DS MAX & The IPM Group
The DS MAX and IPM Group - ripoff Cheating Employees and Customers


All I can say is scam, scam, scam. The only thing these guys teach future salespeople is how to be thier own best customers. Employees (aka. Suckers) are brought in at all costs, made to feel special about the asinine opportunity before them, promises of irrational wealth are made, and then each employee is put in a position of either performing or being humiliated. There is no proffesional atmosphere in the office and there is an absolute "cult-like" atmosphere. Any negative talk is quickly extinguished by office managers (aka. Suckers with seniority) and offenders are immediately interupted or whisked away to a managers office to talk.

The sales (aka. The whole job) takes place hustling innocent people and businesses on the streets. "Day of OBs" are often left stranded with no transportation in random parts of the city if they are not enthusiastic about the opportunity. Sales are taken by using credit cards and checks which many employees (many of whom have incredible criminal records) turn and use for criminal purposes, including reports of identity theft by employees of the IPM Group while running credit checks (with SS numbers) on innocent business owners and individuas. Many of the sales transactions only involve cash. God only knows what happens with that (pockets are fat at the top and empty on the bottom). All I remember is many of my more desperate employees would steal product and inventory to sell for cash by themselves on the street. I only found out about this after I left the company a few years ago.

The chants in the office every morning used to bring up the energy or so called enthusiasm (which you definitely need when faced with 7 hours of hustling on the streets for pennies a day) are simply there to keep your mind busy, instead of realizing what a dead end the whole f*ing business really is. Some cults use sleep deprivation and drugs, while DS MAX and the IPM Group use J.U.I.C.E. To kep thier drones floating in a cloud of misinformation and lies. (There is actually rampant drug use among the staff on a regular basis - someties reps sell drugs while working in the field as well - and also drinking in te office, during business hours, even for those working under 21)

Even though there is potential for decent money, it is only there for the CEO's and founders. The head office/district managers do not have or make nearly as much money as they tell everyone. I know, I was one for quite some time and it took me quite a while to get back on my feet when I found a real job. (Which reminds me of another fine point... We do trash any other job or opportunity as being inferior to what we offer because we don't want you to leave, remember, we {I used to be} desperate for you to stay because your ability to scam and manipulate others put desperately needed money into my pockets to pay rent.) The irony that woke me up to face the fact that I had wasted years of my life working for these crooks is that I ran an office and could seldom afford to even buy any of our own product for lack of money. 6 figures my ass. The owners and managers of these businesses are the chrewdest car salesman you could ever imagine.instead of selling you a junker and making it sound like a Ferrari, they are selling you into slave labor and making it sound like a multi-million dollar endeavor with Microsoft. The promises of opportunity are completely hollow and with just a little bit of investigation, it is easy to get to the truth.

The reality that I have found is that less than one out of a few thousand ever make decent, bare bone, LIVING WAGES. I know, I paid them and saw thier 1099s. If any undercover investigation was ever launched into these businesses, there would be some major criminal charges against all of the owners for numerous legal and ethical business violations. I already know of two advocacy groups investigating these businesses from the outside and contacting former employees for information on what was going on inside, so there days are probably numbered. One last word to those of you who are still in it. I am an incredibly hard worker wo puts 100% into everything I do. I adhere to hardcore work ethic and principles, and only after learning about the "noir" side of this sort of business, did I move ahead in life and truly start to chieve financial success. (To tell you quite honestly, I've garnered more financial success and approval of my peers than some of the "owners" I knew. Not millions, but very close to it at my young age.)

Take care and remember the words of Sun-tzu in "The Art of War"..."Know the enemy, Know yourself, and victory, is never in doubt, not in a hundred battles.

He who knows selfBut not the enemyWill suffer one defeatFor every victory.

He who knowsNeither selfNor EnemyWill FailIn every battle."

PS - Realize that you have already gotten everything you need to know about these multi-level marketing bullshit scams in your first day of introduction and move on. I did not learn anything new past two weeks and yet I was "sold" on saying for years. You, just like your managers above you, become your own best customers, selling yourself the lie of opportunity and success in this business day in and day out. You will no grow, you will not find yourself, you will cheat and manipulate others out of precious time, to benefit the monsters above you who profit from the sweat off your brow. These companies will not last long, I know, I've seen office after office collapse in the last few years I worked for the companies. Peace out.

Eyes wide openL. A., California

Company: DS MAX & The IPM Group
Country: USA
State: California
City: Sherman Oaks
Address: 15035 Ventura Blvd
Phone: 8007554386
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