Steve and carol florer
Messed with the wrong family


Carol came into our lives, when our lives were in need of an Angel. That what I called her. Financially, she was going to save us. We spoke with her for over the period of 4 weeks. Over a 7 hrs lunch meeting talking about her, so-called-truckin-business. The money that we could make, would surely help me and my family involoved. She was in my home. We welcomed her into our family, with love. Little did I know... She was just using our trust. We gave her nothing but love and trust. She didn't ask us for anything. But told us about going to Phoniex, AZ to pick up semi trucks, bring back up to Green Bay, WI. Meet with her brother/Attorney Joseph and her mother and her Accountant. Stay at the Hyatt. So believable. Told me she had Cancer. Asked me to become a partner, CEO of her company. She was getting paperwork from her brother Joseph/Attorney. And was coming her on Friday the 21st of January. The day we were suppose to fly out to go to Phoniex. Mind you, she never really gave us much about herself. Never wanted her picture taking. Never provided us with last name. But every criminal slips up. We got a last name. Gave it to a friend, and he found her and her idot partner on usacomplaints. Coms. I was floored. I was hurt. Then I got mad. On Wednesday, while in Florida at my sister in laws house, she had stating that she needed to go and sign some paperwork with her brother at the Petro Truckstop in Riddick, FL. She took her overnite bag, got out of the vechile and vanished to never be heard from again. That was Wed. 19th 2011 at around 3:30pm. I had thought that since she had cancer, that something happened to her. Not anymore, I want her found. I want to see her face to face. She needs to explain herself. She didn't take anything from us, but our trust, our love. My family didn't do anything to anyone for this person to have done this to us. She needs to be found and arrested, and I want to be there for that. She messed with the wrong family. She will get hers. I will not stop, til she is found.

Company: Steve and carol florer
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Reddick
Address: petro truckstop
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