Ripoff, paid bill cut off power anyway, rude, uncooperitive


This all happend a few months ago. After making my payments mostly on time for 20 plus yrs to nipsco. My contracting work was verry slow. And i got behind on my pmts. So i recived a disconnect notice. We came up with the money and paid our bill 1 day before the disconect date by phone. The next day a lineman showed up to dissconect. I ran outside and informed him i pd. My bill yesterday and to wait so i could call and find out why they sent him after i pd my bill in full. This is things get weird

They said that they had no record of my pmt. And that they would disconnect my power. That pissed me off. How could a multi billion dollar corp. Treat me in this way? The women i spoke to could tell i was upset and became difficult, rude, standoffish, un reasonable, and after me tryng to reason with her she had my poerer cut off. And it cost me over $1400. To reconnect! Shareholders and proffits r more inportant than the over four hundred thousand customers and their familys safty in freezing temps... Randy... Syracuse indiana... Ps nothing like being riped off put out in the cold then kicked while you are doun

Company: Nipsco
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Merrillville
Address: po box 13013
Phone: 8004647726
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Greeted with general rudeness and standoffish attitudes

Decalb County NIPSCO After making the agreed payment, NIPSCO still attempted to disconnect my utilities

Bad service

Northern Indiana Public Service Co
NIPSCO NIPSCO abusing the disabled and the sick


Rude Agent and Manage

U.S. Energy Savings Corp / Just Energy
Approached at home, simply asked for info with my Nipsco bill rate, signed nothing

JFM Enterprises
GAMAL JAMIL, ripoff stole $18700 and did not send the product promised to refund 5 months ago

Progress energy
Charging reconnect fees w / out having disconnect the power

Direct TV
Billing customer service extra fees