JBC Consultans Inc
Scammed letter & check


Hello AllI also receive a check for $2,960 and was surprise, but something caught my eye. If this was a legitimate check, why would you have to call to get it "activated". You do not activate checks. Scam artist are slick and manipulaters, but if you are smart enough, there are keys words that are stated, that make you think about itTo make a long story short, I called the individual and ask where did he get my information from. Also, he is the only one answering the phone. He became very angy and upset. I knew something was wrong, when he said he was going to take my name from his database and I could ripped the check up. If this was a real business, would he not have given me an opportunity to tell me something about his business, but no. Also, I called the bank in AURORA, CO (CITY WIDE BANKS) another clue-banks and not (bank). No such account existed. I fax them the information to be alert.

Do not cashed any checks. They probably trying to get your banking information. The police needs to be notify.

Company: JBC Consultans Inc
Country: USA
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