Psychic master is a terrible liar and fraud how dare you make such horrid statements you are using your lover to get back at innocent people california


What a ridiculous pathetic Man who made a client fall in love with him and make such accusations on real readers. This man has the ability to get into women's minds and makes them feel they are the "only special client" he has!

Go Figure it out! Psychic Master 777 made this big statement not to use your money and to come with him off the line and gave us his personal mobile and email address WHOA isn't that against Keens Company Policy is that NOT called Solicitation?

We are a group of women that know that what your about and realized how you play your game. You can look us up in your client list and yes try to reach out to us we have you blocked we even have your crude mail going to our spam and have all our records. We got together early in Jan and well seems like we will now put this to good use.

Every time one of us read elsewhere, you would send us an email making us feel good there is at least 30 women in this group that will stand behind anyone taking you down the more you posts each and everyone of us will right our cause.

Haven't you done enough damage to innocents, haven't you tried your best to use one client to come out and attack people. You took a total of $65k from all of us put together and non of your predictions came through for any of us yours was a soft approach but one that is so so limited to the same words of keeping us calm.

Or is it your Voodoo black magic girl that wants to take a piece of whatever is out there. Trying to defame readers. Your a nutcase that wants to be heard, to scream at the mountain tops to get his point across. Don't you think that if there were any truths in your statements that others would add to your lies and we can see you have placed many "of your sucked in clients to do their damage"...

Please everyone that has had a reading with this man this horrid man right your peace as the more women that come out and start this thread the more he will fall over with and yes we are taking this Personal as you have done this to all of us.

And although we haven't read with the other so called person you are attacking, we may just go and visit her for a reading JUST TO PISS YOU OFF!

Yes we can see what your up to and find yourself a new hobbie as this one is getting old and tired right now.

You have scammed each and every one of us and just maybe there is something that will show you that you started something that you cannot finish.

Leave us alone with your emails

Company: Keen
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
  <     >  


Psychic Master 777 Known As Ask
Ask fraudulent harrassing made me fear my family and chlidrens lives california

Psychic Master 777 Is A Fraud
Psychic billy ash gave me the hebee jeebies and told me my readers i could not use who the f? Are you california

Men posing as women to rip clients off and gain women's trust
List of psychics that are frauds

Keen Reader *Blessed one*
Whip J. Wilson pulls client away from Keen to privat callings. Money Scam Artist

Liveperson Kasamba
So-called Psychic Shining Love (Shining Lies): Liar, reveals clients information, uses genertic readings

Sharing client info. Unethical practices.internet

Keen Psychics
Psychics are the most unethical people! Ripoff

Keen & Kasamba
Main Reasons These Companies Are Rip Off! Internet

Maya Moon Psychic Medium, Maya Moon D, Div, Maya Moon Dog Trainer, Fraud, Phoney, Liar
Maya Moon Psychic and Dog Trainer, Fake Medium, Scam artist Beware Phoney, Digs for information, Bogus, Liar, Thief, No Psychic abilities, Trying to make a buck anyhow, now professes to be a Dog traine