Maya Moon Psychic Medium, Maya Moon D, Div, Maya Moon Dog Trainer, Fraud, Phoney, Liar
Maya Moon Psychic and Dog Trainer, Fake Medium, Scam artist Beware Phoney, Digs for information, Bogus, Liar, Thief, No Psychic abilities, Trying to make a buck anyhow, now professes to be a Dog traine

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Maya Moon who calls herself Maya Moon D, Div, medium, psychic, spiritual healing expert etc is nothing but a FRAUD.
This is her modus operandi:
She starts a "free connection time" and talks to you very nicely about "your situation and question" to see if she can connect and tries to dig information from you to base her so called reading upon. If and when she feels she has enough information extracted from you to make up some lies she asks you to hire.
If she feels that she hasn't made any headway with you in terms of conning you (if you're too smart for her to outsmart) or that she hasnt derived enough information from that initial digging to create some bull story, then she wil not risk the hire. This way she can keep her good rating, written by those who are fooled by her and believe she actually has an insight. When all she is doing is feeding back the information and glossing over some to see what you want to hear.
We tried two sessions. One where a client was willing to give her the info and play along. She let her hire and charged up some $70 for 10 mins fee giving her nothing but bogus promises and time lines that were not verifiable.
To the client who was harder to extract information from she tried two contradictory scenarios with her, totally opposite of one another, when the client got skeptical and called her on the contradictions, Maya Moon then quickly said that she didnt have a connection (after 10 mins of digging for info and failing) and prevented a hire because this client was not going to be easily conned. How Pathetic.
Her Ordained Minister and D, Div certificate was purchased for $36 online with no studying or education involved. It was purchsed from a website monastory. Anyone with $36 can buy it online.
This so called Psychic (what a joke) is now ALSO trying to make a buck off of believe it or not: Dog Training. How she went from a Psychic Medium to Dog trainer is beyond imagination. But obviously she will do anything for a buck. That's for sure.
She seems to be on Psychic site and others like moonwhispers and bitwine.
Be careful of this Scam artist. She has NO psychic ability. She makes up stories from what you tell her and adds a bit of hogwash to make it sound spiritual thats all. She uses the talk before hire to size up her client and to see if she can con them or not.
Try the free connection time a few times with diffrent information given to her. And she will tell you different "insights" every time because she is using what you you are telling her. No real psychic does that.
If you are a real Psychic you see what you see based on your reading reagrdless of the info fed by your client. This in itself exposes her for the FRAUD that she is. Stop getting scammed by her. Go check her out with the free connection and test her. She will fail every time.
If you've had a bad experience with her please do post here and let people know.

Company: Maya Moon Psychic Medium, Maya Moon D, Div, Maya Moon Dog Trainer, Fraud, Phoney, Liar
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
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