Crosslandbookspublishing (Matthew Dawson
Frauding book publisher!


I first encountered this horrible man when I was a member of I have a non-profit Christian Ministry and I found Hubpages the perfect place to place my books online for people to read and be blessed because I am disabled and do not have to work, I wanted to give back to the world all Christ has done to bless me. Dawson first became a fan to my work. But after seeing that he was no role model Christian to follow afterI left his fan club that I had joined.

Then, out of the blue, back in September of he emails me and tell me he wants to publish one of my books I had listed on hubpages. He just praised and praised me for my talents. He gave me a phone number and told me he'd publish me for free. So I called.

I have come to learn that this man will tell you anything you want to hear just to reel you in. But I bought it at that time which shame on me I should not have. I wish now with all my heart, I hadn't.

He said he'd first take out a loan for $5000 to print out my book to sell and give it 6 months. I got a red light right there and said no thank you, because you see, in his email he told me he'd do it for free so why now taking out some loan? Right then he retracted and said he'd do it for free cause he understood being disabled and said he himself was too. I told him then what book I wanted published by his company.

About a week later he then contacts me and tells me hubpages was giving him trouble after I told him what story to make into a book to sell and to just go to my hubpage and copy and paste it cause I gave permission. To tell hubpages that. He tells me he could not. I was skeptical. I think he just wanted me to do all the work. So I did and emailed the story to him. I hear nothing till October and he says he didn't have all my story. I had to email it in various emails then.

Later almost the middle of October, he says he had to move and wouldn't be in touch till later. I come to find later on by a mutual friend that he scammed, that he lives in a little trailer. That sure isn't a fancy house that he said he was moving to, for someone who claims they make $26,000 a month! He told me he made at least that, every month and he'd make me a best seller. I'm so poor I bought into his lie.

But I didn't hear nothing until the end of October that he was all moved in and ready to get started with my book. I think he just got backed up with other people he was conning besides me. I do not beleive he ever moved. But that's all he said.

Then I got a very strange email come the first week in November. He said: I know you are ill with a disease and all but I have been waiting and waiting for you to give me your book so I can get started with it:

I was shocked. At first I thought maybe he emailed the wrong person. I said to him in reply that I had emailed the story to him 3 times! What was he trying to pull? I also said that he should call me, no more emails.

He comes back rude and mean, and with no regard for my health. He said he was taking my book to the shredder and going to shred it cause I had been disrespectful to him.

I? He was the one who just stringed me along and disrespected!

I had had enough so I emailed him one last time and told him what I thought of him. He just got fed up with me cause he knew he'd get no money out of me. No way!

After that I felt it my duty to go to the hubpages forum and tell the truth of what he did to me and to warn the other authors on hubpages that someone was finding authors to swindle. I didn't say his name. But someone else who he had taken advantage of went into the forum and spoke his name. And told the truth about him even, that he was a, STRANGE LITTLE MAN. That he was less than civil to people he published.

After that Dawson himself comes in there and really slandered my name, saying every unkind thing against me that he could think of and that it was all me, not him. Blah blah blah. This man had called himself a Christian too, but let me tell you, he has swindled many authors and been kicked out of hubpages since, but he still goes there with alias other names. I just want the public to be aware of this awful man and his tricks to try to gain riches from the hard sweat of authors.

One man, Rolly, I got an email from him and he claims he paid Dawson $2300 cause he believed his pack of lies about Dawson making him a best seller. The man is out the money and hasn't received back one penny due him in royalties. Dawson told him his wife had died, but Rolly found out by the people who had worked for Dawson at his so called Book Publishing Company for 4 months, and Dawson hadn't even ever paid them!

Dawson is just a deceiver and a bold faced liar.

I hate wolves like Dawson who take terrible advantage of the poor and who have talent at that and trying to make it. This is a viscous man without any morals. A counterfeit Christian.

If you want to publish your work, go to createspace. It is very affordable to create your own book. $39 will get you globally placed in catalogs and known to libraries. Amazon and ebay.

I hope Dawson is put out of commission but at least I got my voice heard. I am the voice of anyone who has been unfairly treated or scammed by this con artist.

Company: Crosslandbookspublishing (Matthew Dawson
Country: USA
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Matthew Dawson Very much a fraud. This man, Matthew Dawson has alias names. Has many different names listed on Hubpages trying to fool people into thinking he is a Christian man seeking new authors to help them get

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Brian and Craig Dawson Contracting Brian Dawson did a terrible job on my bathroom and left a big hole in my bedroom wall

Adam Dawson
Consumer Report

Crossland Books Publishing

Publish America
America House - PublishIcelandica - PublishAtlantica - PublishBritannica Deceptive business practices advertising, fraud, scam, rip-off, unprofessional

James Dawson, Yahoo Personals
James Dawson, Yahoo Personals I found him on yahoo personls

Publish America
Company is nothing but a ripoff

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Ripoff, ruined my best friend's life, when he was fired from this company without cause This ministry does not have compassion

Wachovia Bank
Ripoff raised credit card interest rate with no notice for no reason!

Jack Dawson
Threaten jail, $450.00, court, $10,000 to $12,000, client Cash Advance USA