Fraud - TV


Direct TV has lied and committ fraud and scamed us from day one. I was told over the phone with a Direct TV representive before signing up with Direct TV, we would get local channels, we would not have a contract. AFTER hook up we were told no local channels and we had just signed a 2 year contract. Numerous calls had to be made before we could even get LA and NY major channels. That really does not help weather warnings in Texas torondo alley. I called to drop the premium channels that were free for 3 months. I was told that the representive had dropped the channels. This mont I received a bill with the channels still on. I call Customer Service and was told my last call was dropped. It was NOT dropped we said goodbye. Now I still have to pay for this billing cycle. So you get more money you should not receive. We had Direct TV for 5 years moved from Texas to WAshington state and did not reconnect to Direct TV because of our circumstances at the time. WE were happy with Direct TV and had recommended them to family. NOT anymore. You do enjoy scamming people for your own benefit. We are senior citizens and live on a fixed income, I do not appreciate you taking advantage of us. Believe me I am spreading the word.

Company: Directv
Country: USA
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Fraud - The whole company

Directv channels review - Direct TV scam

DIRECTV & Dish Network Sales
Direct TV losing 25 channels due to controversy with Fox and other channels - Direct TV Satellite Service

Local programing

Direct TV
Terrible service!

Direct TV - The Facts

Direct Tv
HD service sucks, no where near 70 channels as advertised

Direct TV
Awful company

Direct TV
Promising local channels but not providing
