Deceptive letter marked "Urgent notification" in red letters and imitating a legal document. Other indications are "personal and confidential" and "$2000.00 fine or 8 yrs. Imprisonment... My 96-yea


My 96-year old neighbor was alarmed when receiving an "urgent notification" notice looking like a legal document and instructing her to immediately pay for a "package" en route to her. The front side had "Urgent notification" in big red letters and an alert "$2000.00 fine or 8 yrs. Imprisonment or both for any person who interferes with or obstructs delivery of this letter...".

The format imitated the notice one receives for a violation.

Company: Dmi
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Carrollton
Address: 1525 Capital Drive #109
  <     >  


Urgent Letter of Notification informing me that I had WON a NIPPON 35mm Camera, if I sent $14.78 plus $2.00 for HANDLING

DMI Central Clearing House: TX
Urgent notification, personal and confidential. $2,000 fine or 8 yrs. IMPRISONMENT or both for any person who interferes or obstructs delivery

Central Clearing House, Texas
Capital Drive, DMI They sent an urgent notification with a label imprinted on the front of envelop, states: $2000.00 Fine or 8 yrs IMPRISONMENT. This caught my immediate attention, being w/o my glasses. To my amazemen

Nippon 3.0 digital camera, internet web cam and video cam system for 39.85

Urgent notification

Central clearing house: tx
Dmi dmi tried to scam me out of $16.78 for shipping on a free nippon 35mm focus free camera no web site no phone numbe

DMI - Central Clearing House
Offered Suntone 35mm Focus free camera, including 50mm optical lens, automatic film counter, rapid wind film advance w/hot shoe synchronized for electronic flash, w / carrying strap for $13.78

Urgent Notification lette

Claims Department
Consumer Report

Deceptive mailing, looks like a bill. Sent to my 80 year old mother. Outlandish ripoff late fees evil dirt bags fraudulent business