Nippon 3.0 digital camera, internet web cam and video cam system for 39.85

Electronics and household app.

I have received several camera and other equipment offers from this company. I try to look up the name brand of the items online, but I am very happy to see that this is a rip off company. From now on I will rip up the offers they send me. The stuff they that I have purchased is very cheap items that is almost plastic and the other equipment does not matter. Just don't purchase any of the items sent by this company. They sent it urgent notification with a notice of $2000.00 fine or 8 yrs. Imprisonment for obstructs delivery of the letter. I think the company should be fined the funds for each person they sent the letter out to and try to rip them off.

Company: Dmi
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Carrollton
Address: 1525 Capital Drive Suite 109
  <     >  


DMI Central Clearing House: TX
Urgent notification, personal and confidential. $2,000 fine or 8 yrs. IMPRISONMENT or both for any person who interferes or obstructs delivery

Urgent Letter of Notification informing me that I had WON a NIPPON 35mm Camera, if I sent $14.78 plus $2.00 for HANDLING

Deceptive letter marked "Urgent notification" in red letters and imitating a legal document. Other indications are "personal and confidential" and "$2000.00 fine or 8 yrs. Imprisonment... My 96-yea

They sent me an Urgent Notification that I had won a digital camera-Nippon 3.0 with internet web cam and video cam system including focus-free lens, LCD Display, 76 re-loadable images, photo enhancer software, etc. Ripoff

Central clearing house: tx
Dmi dmi tried to scam me out of $16.78 for shipping on a free nippon 35mm focus free camera no web site no phone numbe

DMI central clearing house: tx
They tried to get me to pay 39.85 for a Nippon Camera and equipment I never asked for


Central Clearing House: TX They tryed to sell me the same Nippon 3.0 Digital Camera and extras they tried to sell many others

Unknown Bought a Nippon Digital Camera and web cam and video cam system for $39.85

Makes an attempted Nippon Camera ripoff