Urgent notification


Today, on the 22nd of April, in the Year of our Lord, I received, what appeared to be an Official Document, what with all the threats of fines and imprisonment, (printed across the front of the envelope) if the improper party opened this letter. I do not appreciate having the United States Postal Service, being mis-represented. To use USPS, "URGENT NOTIFICATION", "Personal and Confidential", for a businesses marketing scheme, is a total out-and-out, farce.

That letter, represents the kinda of Postal material reserved for news of a Truly Personal nature, like news of a Son or Daughter, possibly injured, or worse, in a War-Zone, on the other side of the World. The letter I received, read the same as the letter reported in March, for which I believe precedes this report.

The intentional, and purposeful mis-use of Postal Material, should be warning enough, that whatever scheme someone has brewing, is just that, a, "SCHEME", and should always be dismissed as such, warranting immediate recycling. Never purchase any products marketed in this manner, as it only encourages dishonesty, hidden behind Official Postal Material. Get a ride to your local Thrift Store, if you need something that bad. At least, see what you are purchasing first, no matter how, " CHEAP, " it may appear to be.
" Be Good, Be Honest, Be Nice, therefore Encouraging Others to be Godly Men, not coniving, theiving mice." Have a Good Day! From, Mr. Nice Guy.

Company: Dmi
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Carrollton
Address: 1525 Capital Drive Suite 109
Phone: 9722453013
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Deceptive letter marked "Urgent notification" in red letters and imitating a legal document. Other indications are "personal and confidential" and "$2000.00 fine or 8 yrs. Imprisonment... My 96-yea

Colorado Corporate Control
Report to US Postal Inspection Service

Annual Business Registration
USPS Mail Fraud

United States Postal Service Ohio
Damaged, Lost & Unreturned Mail

US Postal Service
Priority mail, deceptive advertising, ripoff Washington DC

California Business Renewal Bureau
CBRB USPS Mail Fraud

Quantity Mailers
A Mail Fraud Business ripoff Indianapolis Indiana

Urgent Notification lette

Prize Research Intelligance Agency (aka, PRIA)
Scummy scam artists! Please be wary of these people and follow my advice

Huntington Prize Reports, Gerald Huntington
Ripoff, Mail Fraud, Deceptive