Victorian Wood Residence Home
Non understatdable delay begin to feel unwanted for waht reason?


I have made continuous calls. Trying to rent an apartment. I had my application returned three times. The questions on the application could not be answered as asked. No. I My co pay on medication. I am with AARP and the cost of my drugs vary according to the amount that I have used and beyond that I am put into special tiers for cost. I couldn't fill in that black so I was refused. I ask for an appointment was told one day when I called it was scheduled for the day before I called. I ask for another date and it has been almost a week. I don't understandthis situation, but it looks as if I will have to make another choice if theydon't work a little faster. I really want to reside there and there are openings so I was told for a wheelchair handicapped person. Please explain what is happening that I am not consulted, If this sort of service continues I will consult with Senior Service and SALES. I do have a witness who is my care taker that can validate this statement.

Company: Victorian Wood Residence Home
Country: USA
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AARP Medicare RX Enhanced
United Healthcare For Jan and Feb I paid $13.47 each month for a RX today I paid $32.99. I called Medicare and checked AARP RX internet and the price is $13.47, I was basically told tough luck they are not changing

AARP - united healthcare
Rx solutions same genertic drug, teir shifted now 6 times the cost
Consumer Report

Target Stores
Bad service

Eli Gindi is dishonest and PrestonNY is NOT a professional real estate brokerage firm! Ripoff

My Choice Medical
Took my money and will not give me a refund!

ADT Alarm
SERVICE - Cellular Alarm Unit

Bruce Electric
Refusal to do estimate for handicap person

Target Stores
Bad employment

Poor Customer Service