Philadelphia Parking Authority
PPA Unfathomable Abuse of Powe


Sent a check to the PPA after receiving my notice, with complaints written on the remittance slip and "Paid In Full" written in the comments. After holding the check to make the payment late, they assessed a $20 late fee and sent me a boot notice!

Company: Philadelphia Parking Authority
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Philadelphia
Address: 913 Filbert Street
Phone: 8885913636
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Philadelphia parking authority
I live across the street from a school that has been closed for 2 and a half months, and the philadephia parking authority is still giving out TICKETS and most of the people that get them live on the

Philadelphia Parking Authority
PPA Issued bogus parking ticket, added late fees as if ticket had not been disputed despite acknowledging reciept of dispute, and denying appeal despite evidence that ticket was invalid

Philadelphia Parking Authority
PPA Discrimination and failure to provide due process

Philadelphia Parking Authority
Over charges consumers at parking kiosks, calculates from the purchase time, not the time left on the meter

Philadelphia Parking Authority
Ppa Denied due process, Forced to sign agreements, unaware rights were being waived

Philadelphia Parking Authority
If you want tofrustrate a citazen create The Philadlephia Parking Authority

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