ICM Internet Cash Machine
Carol in Deer Park Washington


This company ripped me off! I went on line on 5/27/10 and ordered their information packet. I authorized $2.97 for shipping and handling to be charged on my visa debit card. Their website said the activation fee would be waived.in very fine print their terms and conditions say they will charge $149.95 one time start up fee after 3 day trial period. I ordered this on 5/27/10. I assumed I would have 3 business days to cancel. Not 3 calendar days. And this was Memorial Day week-end. Their website does not specify business days or calendar days. On 6/1/10 they took $149.95 from my bank account. I did not authorize this. I called the company and they will not refund my money. Can you help me please? Today is my daughter's birthday and that was the money for her presents and birthday party. Now I have to telll my 8 year old daughter she has to wait two weeks until I get paid again. I don't know how these people can sleep at night.

Company: ICM Internet Cash Machine
Country: USA
Phone: 8778633088
Site: myinternetcashtactics.com
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Internet Cash Machine - ICM Websites portal. xyzwarehouse.com
Make Money Or Take Money?

Internet Cash Machine - ICM Websites
Thieves on the Internet

ICM Internet Cash Machine
Charged and unauthorized $149.95 in addition to the $2.97 "Information Kit" that was never received!

Kinetic Promotions LLC
Company engaging in fraudulent business practices to steal money

Internet Cash Machine - ICM Websites
Placed an unauthorized $139.95 on my credit card

Internet cash machine
Online News Local woman $ at home. Kit in 3 days $2.97 Email comes you have 3 days to cancel Plus we are charging you $139. Can't contact anyone to cancel

ICM Internet Cash Machine
Www.myinternetcashtactics.com Took 149.95 from my account. Decievingly post that your activation fee is waived and only charging 2.00

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ICM - Internet Cash Machine
ICM, Internet Cash Machine, Portal. Xyzwearhouse.com ICM Internet Cash Machine MONEY SCAM and Internet Fraud