ICM Internet Cash Machine
Www.myinternetcashtactics.com Took 149.95 from my account. Decievingly post that your activation fee is waived and only charging 2.00

Shops, Products, Services

When you first go to the website, it says to sign up for 2.00. It has nowhere on the front webpage before you enter that it is a "TRIAL" like most websites will at least post that it's a trial. So it's decieving to begin with. Once you enter the site. It has your totals. It shows an "activation fee" of 39.95 which is crossed out and says that it will be waived if you sign up today. So you assume that any activation fees will not apply to you if you sign up that day. It shows your total of 2.95 and has you put in your credit card information.

When you call they use the same manipulative responses like "I always read the small print" as to suggest you are an idiot for not reading theirs. It does state below and to the side that after 3 days there is a 149.95 fee, which you are under the assumption is waived due to the crossed out number on top as well as the statement "sign up today and your activation fee will be waived". It doesn't say that the 149.95 fee is an additional fee that will be charged. So they want to charge you 2.95 minus the 39.95 "waived" fee. So than what is the 149.95??? Just an unusual fee on top of it all.

They are deceptive and they know it. That is why they have to use manipulative and ignorant responses when you call for a refund. I told them I was out of town and did not have access to the internet and the woman I spoke to said they would give me a partial refund. Well I have already cancelled their service, I will get nothing in return for the 80.00 additional that will remain with them.

They know they are deceptive. They decieve you to begin with on the front web page letting you believe you get their service for the 2.95 stating NOWHERE that it is simply a "TRIAL". Then the crossed out activation fee which you believe is all fees waived for signing up that day.

This is by far the most deceptive website scam I have seen. I always read to make sure if it's a trial. And all websites I have signed up for let you know BOLD letters that it is a TRIAL period. This is quite creative. We cannot trust anybody and it's a serious shame.

I want a FULL refund. I will settle for nothing less. And I feel sad for the people working there who put that manipulative little tactic seller together for their lack of integrity.

Company: ICM Internet Cash Machine
Country: USA
Phone: 8778633088
Site: icmwebsites.com
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