Stolen Info letter a scam to buy credit reports


I too received a letter from ECMC about possible identity theft and "arangements" made with Consumer, INC. An Experian Company for up to 12 months "free" Triple alert coverage. When I followed the instructions I ended up at a web site wanting me to pay for 1 credit report at $15.00 or all 3 reports for more money. Nothing was free! I called the number and asked about what was going on. I was toild this was to protect me and when I asked was this some sort of scam the lady said "of course not".
The last I knew "Free" is not attached to fees.

Company: Ecmc
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Chanhassen
Address: PO Box 483
Phone: 18774493568
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Ecmc sent me aletter saying someone has stolen my identity in order to scare me into buying services from them

ECMC Educational Credit Management Corporation
Educational Credit Management Corporation ECMC attempts to commit a pre-amble for fraud on old student loans

Scam! ECMC wants to sign you up for credit alert for fees. Rip off!

Used scare tactics about a data theft from their facility in Oakdale MN. I have no student loans with them

Educational credit manegement co
Ecmc they took my money then put me in default

ECMC Loan Repayment Counselors
Legit Company, but Scam in their name!
Consumer Report

Educational Credit Management Corporation ECMC - False negative claim on credit report

Educational Credit Management Corporation
ECMC sent threatening letter stating I defaulted on student loan even though I paid it off completely 20 years ago