Don't Trust These People!


After inquiring about this business & agreeing to the 3 day trial, the very next morning, my bank account was wiped clean & now I'm $-44.03 in the hole. It took them just 6 hours to steal $142.92.
$2.97 is for a shipment I'll never receive and $139.95 for what was supposed to be irrelevant, should I cancel within the 3 days. I was very angry! I immediately contacted my bank.
After 5 hours of phone nonsense, being put on hold continuously, hung up on & speakin' with 6 different so called "Reps" (4 of whom did not speak good English), I was told that my account would be disabled & they keep the $2.97. Fine!!!
When asked for a confirmation # to verify the cancellation, I was given a 6 digit number, although 2 of the individuals refused to give me their full names, so I could legitimize this conversation.
They are indeed scam artists & I don't trust them with my bank & credit card info. Now I have to wait for the money to be put back, before I can file a claim against them, for which I will then close out that account & start anew. They should definitely be investigated!!!

Company: ICMwebsites
Country: USA
Phone: 18778633088
Site: icmwebsites.com
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Charged my bank account without my permission

Consumer Report

Capital First Benefits
Huge fraudulent ripoff artists stole money from my bank account after i cancelled my account with them and before i even received any services from them dirty ripoff liars

Traffic Geyser / Kick Start Media
Traffic Geyser, LLC / Kick Start Media Ignored two requests to cancel free trial membership and charged my bank account $97. San Diego

Lift SP
Unauthorized charges

Orchard Bank HSBC
Orchard Bank Aka HSBC Aka Snap Returned check scam! Bank account number "magically" changed on its own. Last digit dropped

REFUSES TO CANCEL MY ACCOUNT Adrian, employee # 010071, refused to cancel my account without me agreeing to $45 CANCELLATION FEE. I never agreed to this fee and refused and I want out! Internet

E-Cigs Brand
Consumer Report

Fraudulent billing, rip-off

ICM websites - internet cash machines
Someone needs to call the State Attorney Economic Crimes Division on this Company Now