Legal Affidavit Office, ERIC MATTHEWS
Eric Matthews horrible, nightmare


I was at work when I recieved a voice mail from a India lady saying that I needed to call this number 661-214-0513 right away and that I needed to contact a attorney right away. I called the number right back wondering what was going on and they had me talk to this Eric Matthews, he got on the phone and i couldnt understand a word he was saying he was talking so fast but he told me that I took out a loan for 1,000 on Nov. 9 2009 and now that I owe over 8,000 with penalties and interest. Well I left work and went to the bank to talk to my mom and tried having her calling this guy and they would never put her through and just hang out. The man (Eric Matthews) told me that I was being charged with fraud, money laundering, and that the Nebraska state police was coming to pick me up that there was a warrent out for my arrest and that i better do someting fast. Something needs to be done with these a*holes. Thanks for your help!

Company: Legal Affidavit Office, ERIC MATTHEWS
Country: USA
State: California
City: Irvine
Phone: 6612140513
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Legal Affidavit Office, ERIC MATTHEWS
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