Terry Foster's Fenceline Systems
Complete rip off artists! Don't get scammed!


This is the most unprofessional company that I have ever had themisfortune to deal with. They did a horrible job that they did notbother to finish - both materials and quality of labor were completelyunacceptable, not to mention they never showed up when they weresupposed to.

We were very patient and tried to work with them, butthey just stopped returning our calls. When you call their number, it continually goes to voicemail or, on the rare occasion, if you get a hold of Genaro Murillo (thecompany representative/owner we originally dealt with and the onlyperson to ever pick up the phone), he promises to getback to you, hangs up and never returns the call. He promised torefund part of the money we paid since they never finished the job, but those few times that I was able to get him on the phone, he's told methat 'the check is in the mail' for the past 2 months. They juststraight out LIE.

I drove out to the Fenceline Systems' 'site', whichconsists of several trailers and a locked gate so that you can't evenget in to talk to anyone. Spoke with the surrounding businesses who informed me that dissatisfied customers come looking forthem all the time. I have no idea how they have managed to stay inbusiness since they do a horrible job and/or just rip you off. Saveyourself time, money and a HUGE hassle and use someone else. Theirmotto, 'Our job is Always On the Line' is a joke and their BBB ratingis F.

Company: Terry Foster's Fenceline Systems
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: 14007 Force Street
Phone: 7134536963
Site: 1fenceline.com
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