Best quality movers
United way united way told best quality to move my house furniture to florida now they wont pay-they still havemy furniture


Est quality movers was told by united way to move my furniture to tampa florida and they would pay for the move after they loaded all of my furniture and clothing onto the truck they left. I left yonkers on the 31st of january they said my furniture would be here on tuesday the 2nd of february they. Now they are saying i owe them more money while i was told to give the movers 350.00 which i did i dont have clothes to put on my back all i have is gone

Company: Best quality movers
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Mount vernon new york
Address: 101 linclon avenue
Phone: 9143848023
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Special Movers, Inc
I have a binding contract to move furniture and ended up with a higher bill, the company won't deliver my furniture until I pay the additional cost

Planes Moving & Storage
United Van Lines will damage your furniture and not make restitution

Alayon Moving And Storage
Ripoff company told me it would only take two days to deliver baby furniture to new york from florida. It is seven days later and no furniture!

All Safe Move, ASM Movers & Storage, ASM Move Inc
All Safe Move, ASM Movers & Storage, ASM Move, Diiferent names, same company ripping off furnitures, pickup but no delivery

Planes Moving & Storage
Planes Moving & Storage (United Van Lines) will damage your furniture and not make restitution

All-In-One Movers
Nathanial Parkhurst ripoff damage furniture, missing items, lie, Tampa

Authorized Movers
Overcharged after Loading the Truck

Abaco Movers. Barry

Budget Van Lines
Broken Furniture Over Charge

ADS Moving & Storage, Budget Van Lines
ADS Took Our Furniture Against Our Will, Then Held The Furniture Hostage Pending An Extortion Payment