Contractors state license board
Carl Vega - Steve Sands - Robert Rice - Leanne Young - Wood Robinson, everyone there Scams, legalized mafia, Liars, crooks, Power trips, exempt to us laws, no rules for them. Money hungry


I just want to let consumers know that the contractors license board pretends they are protecting consumers from contractors but that is way far from the truth, they are total devils and are using YOU as a reason to collect enormous amounts of money from contractors, and make up lies about them and harm them by entering citations against them for bogus reasons. These con artist live by there own set of rules and use police power to force contractors into doing what THEY want. They lie to everyone and use State money for the time. These 10 dollar an hour scumbags AKA representives think they are above everyone and come across like they are being your freind and are actually the devil in disguise. The Hearing board in Oakland Ca. Is a total joke, the CSLB Attorney General who fights for them is in the same building as them and they are in cohoots to take your money, You Will Never Win, so dont even try to Appeal anything, and they know that. These are the exact people who are ruining our Country and State.

Steve Sands is a Coward and never talks to you but signs everything to make you pay. They act like the "Registrar makes all the decisions" and they dont make any. Those weirdos on the phone make all of them. They are all the ugliest looking people as well, fatasses, unshaven, makes you want to barf when you see them, and they are running our State.

Knowonder Companies are moving out of the State and opening business elsewhere. These people are all on Power Trips and need to be stopped before this really gets ugly in California. Consumers dont be fooled, and please dont complain to these people about little things that they make into bigger ones so They make money NOT you. Just take your contractor to court and leave these con artist out of it. Your only going to hurt yourself by losing all the good contractors and wont have any choice in a couple years. The CSLB is a total Scam and lie about everything and they cite you for things they dont even know about and get away with it because idiots like Steve Sands who run the CSLB ok anything those representives put in front of him. They live with there own set of rules and dont care about anything. Arnold Schwartzenegger appointed this loser to go after UNLICENCED contractors and now he has gotton carried away and gos after even license ones, just for the money, whats the difference between the Mafia, and the CSLB, NOTHING... There is really nothing you can do because everyone is in on it, and they just want to get re elected. If you call Arnold, he will refer you to the consumer affairs, and they tell you they cant do anything, so where is a contractor who has been done wrong by these snakes suppose to go. I just got out for my own dignity, because i refuse to be a part of any orginization with these people. I advise all contractors to protest and picket the CSLB and group together because they are after you, trust me.

The CSLB is even running commercials on the radio with YOUR money so consumers are to believe they are protecting them, and the reality is so consumers call in and gives the CSLB a reason to go after the contractor and cite him to collect money, its rare they get any money back for the consumer, they usually say that they need to take the contractor to Civil Court, so why call them. They just collect money for themselfs and pretend its for the consumer. They are the SCAMS, not the contractors.

Company: Contractors state license board
Country: USA
State: California
City: Sacramento
Address: 2376 business park drive
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