California Laminated Products
Diane Moyer - Rich Moyer - Jerry Moyer Beware of these 'CON'tractors!

Construction & Repair

If you choose this contractor be prepared to sue!!! California Laminated Products overcharged us, made multiple measure, install and billing errors. Damaged our hardwoods and refused to admit any fault! They left our kitchen unfinished months after the promised install date, yet charged us full price. We had to hire another contractor to correct the errors and damage that CLP left behind. We finally had to complain to the BBB, Visa and the state contractors board (CSLB)!

During our arbitration, which we won, we discovered that they had forged my signature in an effort to get out of our dispute with Visa. The Moyers were so hostile and dishonest it was by far our worst consumer experience. If you have been burned by CLP go to small claims court or hire a lawyer, I wasted days of my life trying to do the right thing reporting them to the BBB and CSLB. After winning our arbitration the CSLB does not list our complaint because CLP paid the award to CSLB's satisfaction. I have photos, video and all written documentation to prove everything listed above. For us, it was never about the money we just wanted what we paid remodeling our home we have hired many contractors and are fully aware that mistakes happen but none of them have been so incompetent!

Company: California Laminated Products
Country: USA
State: California
City: Sacramento
Address: 5720 Roseville Rd. Suite N
Phone: 9163446646
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Contractors state license board
Carl Vega - Steve Sands - Robert Rice - Leanne Young - Wood Robinson, everyone there Scams, legalized mafia, Liars, crooks, Power trips, exempt to us laws, no rules for them. Money hungry

Donald. E. O'Connor
A.P.S. General, America's Property Services, Smart Living Homes, O'Connor Construction This contractor overbilled then abandoned our construction project. San Diego

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Wood robinson cslb
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