800Vmailbox, inc
800Vmailbox Billed for one year and did not sign up for service dont know


I was billed for one year of service for Voice Mail Box that I did not request, the AT&T bill ins not in my name and $17.10 showed up from Feb till Feb. They offered to reimburse me for two months this is outrageous. I asked for a copy of my request for this service and I was tolw it would take two weeks because they are busy. Something needs to be done about this company. They obviously are ripping off people in broad daylight.

Company: 800Vmailbox, inc
Country: USA
Phone: 8773766502
Site: inc.com
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800VMailbox Inc
800 V Mailbox, 800 Voicemail Box Automatically billed $14.95 to my AT&T bill without my consent

14.95 scam to your phone bill names Missy0111—wade federal scam and fraud I did not sign up and have no use for an 800 voice mail box FEDERAL FRAUD ACROSS STATE LINES

Oan/instant 411
Regulatory@800vmailbox.com Unauthorized billing for directory assistance @$14.95 per month when Bellsouth offers the same service for 45 cents per use

Fraud-Liars and cheats WATCH OUT


Allegheny Power
Outrageous Bill

FAQ900. comZZ
Rip-off! I didn't ask for the service. I didn't know I had the service until billed illegally.internet

Usprizedraw.com American E-voice
Voice Mail Scam on Verizon Bill London England

Voice Vox
Unauthorized institution of service in my name without my permission