Jane Lucas - Adams Interiors
Jane Lucas Senior Finance Manage


I was contacted by this woman who got my information from Careerbuilder.com.

I have included the E-mail trail below:


My name is Jane Lucas. I've found your resume on Careerbuilder.com

We would like to interview you for a Finance Manager position. This is
an entry level position, both comission and base pay. Should you pass
our requirements, we could start a business relationship in 3-5
business days. This job is not difficult and you can use it as an
additional work for your regular job. You do not need to have any
special experience or knowledge. The company will carry all the fees
and expenses necessary for you to start working. You do not have to
pay anything.

You may look through our web site: http://www.interiors-a.com/

You can apply here and I'll give you detailed information:
http://www.interiors-a.com/r.php? I=3

Please call me as soon as you register. My number is (347) 756-4012.
I'll give you the job description and we will discuss the position.
Or you can send me an e-mail: fin. Manager. Resumes@hotmail.com
You will be able to receive your first profit in 3-5 business days.

With respect,
Jane Lucas
Senior Manager
Financial Department
Tel: (347) 756-4012
Fax: (866) 633-1746

Please, see the contract attached.
Call me once the fax is sent to me.

With respect,

Jane Lucas
Senior Manager
Financial Department
Tel: (347) 756-4003
Fax: (866) 633-1746

Financial Representative Independent Contractor Agreement

This Agreement (the Agreement) is made between ADAMS INTERIORS LLC (the
Company) and Mr./Mrs. %, living at street address

, city %, state %,
zip %, USA, date of birth %, SSN %-%-%,
phones %, e-mail %,
(the Contractor) (collectively referred to as the Parties).
Privacy Act Notice. All information will be treated in accordance with the Privacy Act of
1974. No information will be released except as authorized by the Act.
The Parties agree as follows:
The Company shall engage the Contractor to provide the following services:
1.1. Accept payments from customers of the Company and transfer the payments to the
Contractors of the Company who provide design services.
1.2. The Contractor acknowledges that the Company works with design companies and
independent designers who provide design services in different locations and different
1.3. The Contractor acknowledges that he/she will work through a business bank account set
up for the Contractor by the Company.
1.4. The Contractor acknowledges the all the transactions must be made the same day the
money received if not required otherwise.
1.5. The Contractor agrees to devote a minimum of 8-12 hours per week to perform the
services described above, but no more than 30 hours per week.
2. Term.
2.1. The Agreement comes into force on the day it is signed by the Parties.
3. Guidelines.
3.1. The Contractor will follow the guidelines provided by the Company that describe the
method, details, and means of performing the Services.
3.2. The Guidelines include the name of the company/independent designer, address, bank
account information, routing number and other related information.
3.2. The Guidelines are provided via e-mail to the e-mail address of the Contractor indicated
3.3. The Contractor must confirm the receipt of the Guidelines once he/she receives them.
4. Telephone.
4.1. The Contactor must always be available on the phone and be ready to receive the
Guidelines within one hour.
4.2. The Company must always give a phone call before and upon sending the Guidelines to
the Contractor.
4.3. The Parties must be available on the phone when the payment takes place.
5. Business bank account.
5.1. The Company is to register the Contractor as a registered agent set up a Limited Liability
Company and is to cover all the fees associated with the registration required by the
5.2. The Contractor is to work under a separate business bank account.
5.3. The Contractor liability is to be limited by the Company since the account is to be under
LLC (Limited Liability Company) name.
6. Compensation.
6.1. For the services provided the Company is to pay the Contractor a base pay of $4000.00
(four thousands dollars) and a 3% (three percent) commission.
6.2. The Contractor is to take 3% (three percents) from each payment that he/she will process.
6.3. The Contractor can take his/her commission immediately once the payment arrives.
6.4. The Company pays $4000.00 (four thousands dollars) on monthly basis.
6.5. The Company starts to pay $4000.00 (four thousands dollars) in 30 (thirty) days starting
from the day when the Contractor starts to work; that is when the first payment arrives from
the client.
6.6. The day when the first payment arrives from the client becomes the due day for monthly
payments of $4000.00 (four thousands dollars).
7. Expenses.
7.1. The Company is to cover the following expenses:
7.1.1. Expenses necessary for the Contractor to become a registered agent of the Company.
7.1.2.incoming Wire transfer fees when the money arrives into the business bank account.
7.1.3. Outgoing Wire transfer fee when making a wire transfer.
7.1.4. Western Union and Money Gram transaction fees.
7.1.5. Gas expenses.
7.1.6. Long distance phone calls.
8. Confidentiality.
8.1. The Parties acknowledge that all the information that they receive is confidential and
proprietary one. Both the Contractor and the Company agree not to disclose the information
(unless required by the law) or use for personal gain any Confidential Information at any time
during or after the Term of the Agreement without written consent of such disclosure.
9. Other rules and policies.
9.1. The Contractor agrees to follow the rules and policies of the Company.
9.2. The business bank account is to be used for the purposes of the business only.
9.3. The Contractor is to provide the Company with online banking information for
monitoring, accounting and taxation purposes.
9.4. The Contractor is to process the payments the same day when the funds arrive and are
available under pending status. If the funds have on hold status the Contractor is not to
process the payment and must provide the statement from the bank explaining the reason of
9.5. The Contractor does not carry the responsibility for the mistakes made in the guidelines
and for the actions of third parties.
9.6. The Contractor will provide the Company of unavailability in writing no less than 7 days
in advance.
10. Termination.
10.1. This Agreement is to be terminated:
10.1.1.By the Company If the Contractor fails to perform his/her duties or breaches any obligation of the
Agreement, and the failure or breach is not corrected within three days after the receipt of
written notice from the Company; or If the Contractor is unable to provide the services in this Agreement due to illness,
death or disability.
10.1.2.By the Contractor If the Company breaches any obligation in the Agreement and such breach is not
corrected within three days after the receipt of written notice from the Contractor; or If the Company files for bankruptcy.
10.2. If any of the Parties chooses to terminate the Agreement and none of the reasons in
Clause 12.1 applies the Party willing to terminate the Agreement is to submit a written notice
no less than 30 (thirty) days prior to the actual date of termination.
11. Return of property.
11.1. Upon termination of the Agreement the Contractor will promptly return to the Company
all drawings, documents and other tangible manifestations of Confidential Information (and all
copies and reproductions thereof).in addition, the Contractor will return any other property
belonging to the Company including without limitation: office supplies, money and documents
except for the gifts and awards presented by the Company to the Contractor.
12. Continuing obligations.
12.1. Notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement for any reason, the provisions of the
Clause 6 of this Agreement will continue in full force and effect following such termination.
13. Binding effect.
13.1. The covenants and conditions contained in the Agreement shall apply to and bind the
Parties and the heirs, legal representatives, successors and permitted assigns of the Parties.
14. Cumulative rights.
14.1. The Parties rights under this Agreement are cumulative, and shall not be construed as
exclusive of each other unless otherwise required by the law.
15. Waiver.
15.1. The failure of either party to enforce any provisions of this Agreement shall not be
deemed a waiver or limitation of that party's right to subsequently enforce and compel strict
compliance with every provision of this Agreement.
16. Severability.
16.1. If any part or parts of this Agreement shall be held unenforceable for any reason, the
remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. If any provision of this
Agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, and if
limiting such provision would make the provision valid, then such provision shall be deemed
to be construed as so limited.
17. GOVERNING LAW: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance
with the laws of the State where the Contractor is registered.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and
year first written above
By:% and:

Teri Dunlop% (Signature) % (Signature)
Manager ADAMS INTERIORS LLC Contractor

Then after the fifth day, I get a phone call from her saying that she was not able to set up a new business banking account with Bank of America. Perhaps trying to get my personal account information, I don't know. I went to Bank of America and found out that this was not the case and that she hadn't even attempted to set one up, ever, nationwide.

So, in summation, If you get this e-mail, DELETE IT!!!

As for the actual supposed company, Adams Interiors, LLC. I attempted to contact the owner listed by the BBB multiple times by phone and e-mail to try to verify her as one of HIS employees. He never responded. I probably wouldn't have either if she had been using my company name fraudulently.

Company: Jane Lucas - Adams Interiors
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Brooklyn
Address: 378 Bergen Street
Phone: 3477564012
Site: interiors-a.com
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